Pole match. When someone says these two words, what images come to mind? A few of you might think that two wrestlers battle each other with steel rods. Others may picture something more perverse or homoerotic. However, a select few wrestling fans know exactly what a pole match is and will be excited to know that it has been included in Smackdown vs. Raw 2011. Not only will it be present in this year's game, but it will be 100% customizable. Fill in the blank if you don't get our drift.
________________ on a pole.
That's right. Anything you can take a picture of can dangle from the pole and be used as a weapon. The possibilities are limitless. THQ gave us a fantastic scenario involving two friends and a single slice of pizza. After arguing over who gets the last slice, they decide instead to put the slice on a pole. They take a picture of the slice, upload it to their PS3 or Xbox360, and then have the ability to place it on the pole (sorry wii, but you're out on this one-have no fear though, THQ has quite a surprise in store for you). Once the match begins, any wrestler who tries to climb the turnbuckle triggers a minigame. Win the mini game and the weapon is yours to do with as you please. Prior to the match, a sliding meter in the options screen allows players to determine how much damage the weapon can do. After all, a slice of pizza should not be as powerful as a chainsaw or a baby. Of course it could be if you wanted it to; 100% customization.
While we're not going into detail just yet, we will soon announce one of the modes that will only be available for the Wii version of the game. We'll keep you posted!
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